It is not very often that one can say that when beauty and athleticism are combined an Ethiopian can be expected to come out on top, but such was the case recently when Helene Tefera who was a top ten finalist and Crowned Miss Konjo® 2005 at the 2005 Miss Universe Ethiopia® pageant made her debut at the 2005 Miss Bikini of the Universe contest held in Hong Kong and several other cities in China, and was crowned “Miss Queen of Beach Activities”.
The pageant which combined athleticism and beauty in the form of athletic activities such as volleyball, netball ball, obstacle courses and other beach sports with fashion shows, was triumphed by our young Ethiopian beauty Helen Tefera, much to the amazement of the judges and other delegates, her success is all the more remarkable because Ethiopia does not even have any beaches where she could have been practicing her sport, so just as Ethiopians regularly excel on the track and in marathons worldwide, a young Ethiopian has now excelled on the beach in Asia combining athleticism and beauty and quietly made waves for the Good name of Ethiopia.
Miss Bikini of the Universe® 2005 beauty contest was a first for both Helen and Ethiopian Life Foundation who sponsored her participation, and it was another milestone in the continuing achievements of the Foundation and Miss Universe-Ethiopia® Organisation, that has achieved an enviable 80% success rate this year at international competitions.
Of the five girls the Miss Universe-Ethiopia® Organisation has sent out to events in the last few months: Kabensesh Girma [now: Miss Tourism Africa® 2005] Fethiya Mohammed [ now: Best Africa Queen® 2005] Dina Fekadu [ now: Miss Goodwill® 2005 ] and now Helen Tefera [now: Miss Queen of Beach Activities® 2005] all 4 of them retuned victorious from their engagements, and done Ethiopia proud, this new found attention being given to young Ethiopian girls on the international pageant scene is a positive boost for Ethiopia’s International image and one which can and is showing another side of Ethiopia, the beautiful and rich culture that Ethiopia has.
The Miss Universe-Ethiopia Organisation has once again shown why they are the main pageant of choice and record amongst Young Ethiopia girls, as they provide the most visible opportunities for their delegates, Not just for the winners, but the top 10 finalist all have the opportunity to represent Ethiopia at an international event, unlike many of the other pageants currently being held in Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian Life Foundation and the Miss Universe-Ethiopia® Organisation, provides a wonderful platform for young Ethiopians to promote their country and dispel myths and negative stereotypes about Ethiopia, These young Ethiopian Ambassadresses are proudly doing their patriotic duties assisted with the full might and support of the Ethiopian Life Foundation for the glory of Ethiopia.
All photos and contents are © 2006 the Ethiopian Life Foundation. No one is allowed to copy or reproduce any these photos or images without first obtaining written permission of the Ethiopian life foundation,
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If you do we will pursue the strongest legal action against violators
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Miss Ethiopia Org!
At 2:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who said that opportunities cannot be provided for our young women back home?
I am ever so proud to see Miss Ethiopia at Miss Universe at the other contest they and the organisation must be commended.
At 11:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
wow wow wow wow wow wow wow ...becous of i am from ethiopia you are konjo
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