Ethiopian Beauties set to Tour China
Helen Tefera will be participate in International Tourism Queen 2005
Miss Konjo Ethiopia 2005
Helen Tefera
© 2006 the Ethiopian Life Foundation
Tizita Abebe will be making her international debut at Hong Kong in TOP MODEL OF THE WORLD 2005. Top Model of the World is an opportunity for top models from around the world to meet with top fashion designers and industry insiders in an elaborate fashion showcase to be shown to over 500 million TV viewers.
Top Model of the World Ethiopia 2005
Tizita Abebe
© 2006 the Ethiopian Life Foundation
It is the second time that Ethiopia is participating in TOP MODEL OF THE WORLD and also very ironic that Tizitas Younger sister: Ferehiyewot Abebe “Miss Universe Ethiopia 2004” was the first Ethiopian Girl to participate in this contest and so Tizita has a hard job of following in Ferehiyewot’s footsteps in the same contest, but she is determined and hard working and is expected to do very well, Beauty runs in their family like in most Ethiopian families MISS UNIVERSE ETHIOPIA 2004
Ferehiyewot Abebe
© 2006 the Ethiopian Life Foundation
Helen Tefera will be making her second trip to China for a beauty contest, she will be proudly represent Ethiopia at her contest also organised in China and dedicated to promoting tourism to a global audience of millions of TV viewers.
The two young ladies were specially chosen by the National Director for their determination and professional approach to modelling and fashion, and the opportunity will unquestionably open up more international doors for them, and reaffirms the organisations commitment to providing universal opportunity for young Ethiopians in the field of beauty and modelling
All photos and contents are © 2006 the Ethiopian Life Foundation. No one is allowed to copy or reproduce any these photos or images without first obtaining written permission of the Ethiopian life foundation,
If you do we will pursue the strongest legal action against violators
Copy right violators beware
At 8:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi guys I just wanted to say what a wonderful job you are doing for our country Ethiopia God bless you and please keep up the good work
At 8:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
It is a huge source of pride for me when I look for Miss Ethiopia on the Internet, and I see what your organisation is doing for the good name of Ethiopia,
Bravo! Bravo!!
I like it! I love it !!
At 9:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
It is true that beauty runs in the Abebe family, and you cna see this just by looking at Ferehiyewot's sister Tizita, she is just as beautiful....... Wow! is all i can say.
You sure know how to pick them and certainly have an eye for Quality
and I am sure she will do very well
Helen Tefera "Miss Queen of Beach activities" is another Stunning Ethiopian Beauty!..... You go girls Do Ethiopia proud!!!
At 2:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
The quality of the girls is simply amazing! one hopes that with time just like a good bottle of wine they will become even better
At 2:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
I always knew Ethiopian girls were beautiful but not till is saw Miss Universe Ethiopia 2004 in person did i know how wonderful a person she is,
Bravo for Ethiopia
At 2:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
It appears like many things in Ethiopia this organisation and it's innovative ideas is being shamelessly copied by a few people in our community who have no ideal what it takes to run an organisation like this and are only out for selfish gratification at the expense of many positive things, but I beg you, please do not be distracted or loose focus to all the copy-cats out there,
[and we have seen them and their handiwork]
We all know there is only one organisation capable of representing us in this field
At 2:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
I second that emotion keep up the Great work Miss Universe Ethiopia Organisation we love you guys!!!!!
At 2:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
....I third that emotion… Can I say that?
You guys have done so much for the image of Ethiopia and continue to lead from the front, while others follow you.
God Bless you!!
At 2:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don’t care if I can say this or not, but I fourth that emotion………
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